Big Pharma - Follow the $$$
Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna are projected to generate combined sales of $93.2 billion in 2022 nearly twice the amount they’re expected to rake in this year, said Airfinity, a health data analytics group… Pfizer, Moderna To Rake In Billions In Covid Vaccine Sales
According to a recent Forbes investigation, Dr. Anthony Fauci earns $432,312 — more than roughly 4.3 million other federal employees, including President Biden. Fauci received steep pay hikes for research he oversaw on biodefense, or as Forbes put it, “Fauci was paid to prevent pandemics.” Fauci Earns More Than Any Other Federal Employee
Since 2008, McKinsey & Company has regularly advised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) drug-regulation division, according to agency records. The consulting giant has had its hand in a range of important FDA projects, from revamping drug-approval processes to implementing new tools for monitoring the pharmaceutical industry. During that same decade-plus span, as emerged in 2019, McKinsey counted among its clients many of the country’s biggest drug companies… McKinsey Never Told FDA It Was Working For Opiod Makers Purdue And J&J While Also Working For The Agency
One analyst predicted COVID boosters alone will bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer — who splits profits with BioNTech — and around $14 billion for Moderna if the shots are endorsed for nearly all Americans… Pfizer, Moderna Eye Windfall Profits As Covid Booster Rollout Begins
That is no surprise when the chief executive of Ascension made $13 million last year running a 501c3 business and $60 million over the last four years. It would appear that Ascension cares more about the money and pushing their weight around than their employees… Ascension Denies Exemptions
A brand new ad from Pfizer has come out and tried to convince young kids to take the still experimental COVID-19 vaccine by implying that if they take the jab they’ll get superpowers, which is obviously a lie designed to make them feel okay with getting the shot… Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They'll Get Superpowers From The Covid Shot
Children have a greater chance of drowning, dying in a car wreck or dying from the flu than from the coronavirus. Children are not forced to take the flu vaccine… Disturbing Pfizer Ad
Not too long ago, a friend who works in the pharmaceutical industry told me a disturbing story. In the late 1990s, while working at a managed care pharmacy in Davenport, Iowa that serviced three surrounding states, he noticed a huge number of methylphenidate prescriptions from one particular state. When queried about the numbers, the head pharmacist replied, quite matter-of-factly, that ADHD was well covered by insurance in that state, so everyone there supposedly had ADHD. Then the pharmacist said something that sent a chill down my friend’s spine: “Twenty years from now, we will look back on this and ask what we have done to our kids.” Twenty Years From Now We Will Ask What Have We Done To Our Kids?
The FDA advisory panel that, with a vote of 17-0 on Wednesday has decided to begin recommending the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer for children between the ages of 5 and 11, despite the fact they have acknowledged there is a lack of safety data and a 99.998 percent survival rate from infection, just so happened to have close to a half-dozen members who had ties to the pharmaceutical company… FDA Vaccine Panel Members Are Tied To Pfizer
Among the members were a former vice president of Pfizer Vaccines, a recent Pfizer consultant, a recent Pfizer research grant recipient, the mentor of a current top Pfizer vaccine executive, the operator of a center that distributes Pfizer vaccines and the chairman of a Pfizer data group, reported the National File… Half-Dozen FDA Vaccine Panel Members With Ties to Pfizer
The side effect he was referring to is heart inflammation known as myocarditis but in the end he came to the conclusion that there is no other way forward. “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it,” he said. “That’s just the way it goes.” FDA Panel Concedes It Does Not Know The Long-Term Risks To Children